We are growing – as part of our journey we are happy to welcome Pelle Gårlin to the team. Pelle joins Recuro as Growth Manager and we made a short interview with Pelle to be able to get to know him a bit more!
Tell us a bit about you and your background
- I have a very broad background. I have done everything from producing battery containers for submarines and implementing ERP systems to developing office furniture solutions to be sold on a global market. I have an education in Business Administration from Jönköping International Business School and also been active in various sports teams such as football, floor-ball and bandy 🙂
How did you end up at Recuro?
- I’m a passionate entrepreneur and being able to help other entrepreneurs and businesses to succeed in the field of subscriptions is a strong driving force to me. Furthermore I really believe in Recuro’s business modell and I’m keen to develop our “Lifestyle & Sharing” vertical which is a growing market. Starting an own business in the field of subscriptions has provided me with a lot of knowledge and experience which I would be happy to share to help others succeed.
What are you planning to do here at Recuro?
- At Recuro I will primarily focusing on developing and exploiting the offering within ”Lifestyle & Sharing” industry. Creating a service offering to help these businesses grow and exploit the wonderful world of subscriptions, both strategically and analytically, is going to be my thing.
Is there something else we should know about you already?
- I’m also running a start-up, called Parently, focusing on renting out baby gear like for example strollers and car seats as a service. So if you ever need a stroller, car seat, baby carrier, etc just let me know!
We are so happy to have you and we really looking forward having you onboard!
Meet the rest of the team here!