How do we reach net zero?

By  Recuro
Jun 23rd 2022
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2 minutes
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Recuro participated in an event organized by Zuora to focus on how new business models like subscription can accelerate the path to net zero. The evening was focused on sharing ongoing challenges and discussing new approaches to address the UN Sustainability agenda for responsible consumption and production.

We truly believe that the subscription model and circular economy can be great accesses on this journey. Zuora highlighted the increasing trend for usage based subscriptions like Rolls Royce selling hours of flying through their engines, Michelin selling miles on their tires, etc. When do we start seeing similar effects for Netflix, paying for what you actually consume instead of just a flat fee for all?

Another big topic for the discussion was around Sustainable IT and Sustainable BI IT. Did you know that your choice of datacenter can help you save up to 90% of your C02 emissions? The total emissions from all datacenter has the same effect on the overall climate as the total air travel industry and that share is just growing. It’s an important factor to highlight that even though you don’t have a physical product consuming a lot of waste in production you can still make a big effect on the CO2 emissions by just choosing the right datacenter running on fossil fuels. 

We also discussed that even if you use a linear sales approach to your core product there is a great potential to have add on services on subscriptions to improve your customers experience but also increase revenue adding a separate revenue stream. The automotive industry is some of them who apply this thinking by simple offering a digital experience adding on services like gps, music, streaming, games, service, etc via a cloud based service. For some of the larger automotive companies this revenue sometimes actually exceeds the revenue from your core business selling cars making the demand for software engineers also exceeds the number of mechanical engineers for building the cars.

We love to discuss this topic further so please reach out to us if you share the same interest of being part of the net zero path!

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